Saturday, January 22, 2022

First Step

My first time enrolling in a weekend class and one under IS as a subject, and I'm really excited to advance my technology proficiency in many more ways than I thought possible. It has honestly been such a breath of fresh air to have a professor be extremely proactive in making a course student-driven and wholeheartedly independent. Its not often that professors reveal an actual passion for what they do, and I can really find an appreciate in Professor Wu's engagement and drive to introduce an actual meaningful experience in the form of this course.

I mean it was a definite blindside hit to immediately get a professor reaching out on email and text messages the before the semester technically even start. More than that, he encouragingly asked for students to join a video call to meet and get a head start on the semester. I thought that was really great and actually gave me a decent push to start on my other courses more eagerly. It was these precautionary steps that made me excited to come to class on a weekend! I think I'll actually enjoy this course and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.


  1. One small step in IS101-3010, Spring 2022, one giant leap toward earning your Associate of Business degree at CSN!

    I'm elated to hear my proactive reaching out to you and meeting you virtually gave you a push to start on your other classes more eagerly and generated excitement for you come to class on Saturdays ^_^

    May your choice to sit at the front of the classroom be a foreshadow to your performance in IS101-3010, Spring 2022 :-)

  2. I too was surprised when he reached out, I am used to professors and people in general to just post the things to look forward to and learning that our professor isn't that way is very cool.

  3. I completely agree! Funny story, my sister helped me sign up for my classes, so a few days before classes started I asked her for help trying to get in touch with our Professor and that very same day he reached out. I thought my sister was behind it, but was very gladly surprised to find out I was fortunate enough to sign up for a class with a Professor who has this kind of determination, passion, and proactive attitude. I can't wait to meet you all in person!

  4. Professor Wu definitely went above and beyond to make contact and help me. It made me feel a lot better starting this class.

  5. Yes it is very nice to have a professor who is very responsive and provides great feedback on assignments. Not all teachers are as proactive or passionate about what they do which is a big downer as instructors are influencers on future generations.

  6. It was really shocking to see him text me. I don't even know how he got my number to begin with, but that's cool.

    1. From what you provided to MyCSN, our college's registration system :-)

  7. Professor Wu definitely surprised us all when he reached out to us before the semester even technically started. That was definitely a first for me. You can definitely tell that he cares for his students and wants all of us to succeed.

  8. I agree, being emailed was very surprising and the encouragement to start early so we are not overwhelming was definetly motivating. That is also the first time I have had a professor to encourage such a thing, which felt very nice.

  9. I definitely appreciated the option for the early start as well. With all the tech-related last minute issues that often come up, getting started early definitely puts the mind at ease; there's slack in the chain if something goes awry, and you've got time to improvise.

  10. I agree with so much that you said. Mr. Wu was amazing at ensuring we know to contact him for all help no matter what. Getting that email from him when I did helped with so much anxiety I had about the semester.

  11. I agree with feeling kind of blindsided when you first realized that the professor goes out of his way to contact you if it's for your own benefit. Usually professors don't care enough to do so.

  12. Great! An associate degree in approximately fourteen weeks. That is awesome. I was also surprised the teacher reached out to me before class starts. That is unusual, but I am grateful for it. The schedule works for me too, and one of the things I admire, is the time we get to do our assignments. Not to mention the accessibility of communicating with Mr. Wu.

    1. Kurt, did you mean to say a semester is approximately fourteen week? A typical semester is actually sixteen weeks :-)

      An Associate degree is typically two years, assuming full-time during the two years ^_^

  13. I can totally relate to everything you said. What this professor does is different in a good way. It is very motivating and encouraging makes you want to do better.

  14. I one hundred percent agree with you. Last night, I was messaged about some assignments professor Wu wished to help we work with. Never have I had such a proficient and helpful teacher looking to benefit each student. Its going to be a great semester!

  15. I agree Vincent the ability to get started early is important and the professor reaching out was helpful for me to get a head start.

  16. If the professor decided not to reach out, I would have assumed I missed my chance at being able to pass the class due to unforeseen circumstances. His encouragement definitely helped me realize I was still able to complete this course regardless of my initial fallback.
