Monday, February 21, 2022


Life has all kinds of rises and falls. I felt great earlier in the month; I was doing all my school work on time or early, I was working out regularly, I was dieting properly. Then suddenly my brain decides that that won't be the case anymore. I no longer get to choose when I get to focus or how to focus. I'll have gotten a perfect night's rest, showered, eaten a healthy meal, and sit down ready to tackle my tasks but I cannot salvage enough attention span to wholeheartedly attempt any assignments. I'll convince myself that maybe I need to do something else fun before I devote myself to a session of work, but it won't work. It'll continue until I have fallen behind days, weeks sometimes, and I'll have no where to turn to but to face the huge pile of mistakes I've conjured up. Desperation often breeds the most volatile and ruinous backlash, but I think there comes a particular power from being able to come from those times when you think that there's nothing you can do. I hope this is about the time where I stop wallowing in my weakness and to start picking things back up.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Computer software is incredibly advanced, thus requiring various means of accomplishing their tasks. As such, I've learnt that there are several language categories: Machine, Assembly, Compiled, Interpreted, and then miscellaneous mark up languages. I don't currently apply this knowledge of menagerie of computer science, but I hope to learn all there is to coding in the near future!

I've restarted my fast schedule! I maintain a 16:8 schedule where 16 hours of the every day I do not eat, and then I eat within the confines of the 8 remaining hours I'll eat. I've previously kept this lifestyle for about 2 1/2 years before 2021. I personally don't find this fast method too difficult, as I just drink water and tea throughout the day and distract myself until it is time for me to eat. I want to clarify that when my fast ends, I don't take this an an opportunity to pig out and stuff my face with all the food I would've eaten during my fast. That takes away the opportunity of the fast and ruins the potential of the goal. It's important for me to maintain my metabolism and health by counting my calories and macro and micronutrients. But I'm excited to get back on schedule to being the healthiest and strongest version of myself.

Saturday, February 5, 2022


Due to my background and personal hobbies I am more or less familiar with computer technology. I am comfortable enough to use computers on a daily process, therefore I thought these first few handfuls of sections in "TestOut LabSim" were pretty rudimentary in complexity. However, I have found a few sections to be underlying scopes of computer proficiency knowledge. This time around what I found really intriguing was the varying types of file compressions. These include GIFs, PDFs, JPGs, MP3s, and a few others. I was already aware and somewhat familiar with these but the level of depth in which the program explained these concepts was really fascinating to me, and I never held a curiosity great enough to justify me learning these on my own.