Saturday, February 12, 2022


Computer software is incredibly advanced, thus requiring various means of accomplishing their tasks. As such, I've learnt that there are several language categories: Machine, Assembly, Compiled, Interpreted, and then miscellaneous mark up languages. I don't currently apply this knowledge of menagerie of computer science, but I hope to learn all there is to coding in the near future!

I've restarted my fast schedule! I maintain a 16:8 schedule where 16 hours of the every day I do not eat, and then I eat within the confines of the 8 remaining hours I'll eat. I've previously kept this lifestyle for about 2 1/2 years before 2021. I personally don't find this fast method too difficult, as I just drink water and tea throughout the day and distract myself until it is time for me to eat. I want to clarify that when my fast ends, I don't take this an an opportunity to pig out and stuff my face with all the food I would've eaten during my fast. That takes away the opportunity of the fast and ruins the potential of the goal. It's important for me to maintain my metabolism and health by counting my calories and macro and micronutrients. But I'm excited to get back on schedule to being the healthiest and strongest version of myself.


  1. Programming languages are constantly evolving. It's been years since I thought of anything before Interpreted programming languages :-)

    Interesting 16:8 schedule, I quickly looked it up:

    Not sure if I can make it 16 hours with a meal ^_^

  2. I give you all the props, I will go in hangry mode if I go that long. Good luck

  3. I've been intermittent fasting now for about 4 months. I try to stay fasted 14-16 hours a night, and then gorge during my window. The effects on my blood sugar have been's so much more stable now.

    I used to honestly live in fear a little bit, of being out somewhere and not having access to a snack, because my blood sugar would drop out of nowhere, aggressively.

    That stopped about 2 weeks in, and I can now routinely go 10-12 hours without hunger pangs of any kind, let alone entering hypoglycemia.

    I tried everything, too: more fiber, six small meals a day, everything, and fasting is literally the only thing that's made a difference.

    I definitely intend to keep this routine up.

  4. Good job! I do a 20:4 schedule, but not because I want to, but because I'm poor!

  5. Glad to hear you have started your intermittent fasting schedule once again! It is hard to maintain the progress, but the end result is goin to pay you in dividends. Just four year ago, I lost eighty pounds with consistent exercise and intermittent fasting. Look forward to hearing more about your success Vincent!

  6. Respect! I cannot go 16hrs without eating, I love food too much.

  7. I think I am going to give that 16:8 schedule a try.

  8. Good for you. I never heard of the 16:8 schedule or the others. I hope you get the result you need.

  9. I am doing the same fast too! When I first started, I was so hangry. Before I usually disciplined myself to eat breakfast every morning and without it I would be so grumpy and moody. But now I'm used to it as long as I get to drink coffee and water.

  10. Awesome! I don't think I could ever fast, I get hangry very easily.

  11. Very cool. I have done some intermittent fasting in the past, usually only a few months at a time.

  12. Yes I have heard of this it is called intermittent fasting I have heard it is a good way to lose weight as well as speeding up your metabolism.

  13. Nice! If I were to try fasting, I think I'd make the mistake of stuffing my face when it comes time eat and ruin the whole purpose.

  14. I am sure when you first started the lifestyle of 16:8 it was hard but as time passed your body probably got use to it. I know when I tried to be in a calorie deficit I was really hangry at first but as time passed I got use to it until I stop. I may have to go back to my calorie deficit.

  15. Wow! I have not tried that type of fasting. I can only imagine that at first it must be hard, but as time goes by it is more easier to deal with the hungry feeling.

  16. When I started losing weight I actually used a similar method!
