Monday, February 21, 2022


Life has all kinds of rises and falls. I felt great earlier in the month; I was doing all my school work on time or early, I was working out regularly, I was dieting properly. Then suddenly my brain decides that that won't be the case anymore. I no longer get to choose when I get to focus or how to focus. I'll have gotten a perfect night's rest, showered, eaten a healthy meal, and sit down ready to tackle my tasks but I cannot salvage enough attention span to wholeheartedly attempt any assignments. I'll convince myself that maybe I need to do something else fun before I devote myself to a session of work, but it won't work. It'll continue until I have fallen behind days, weeks sometimes, and I'll have no where to turn to but to face the huge pile of mistakes I've conjured up. Desperation often breeds the most volatile and ruinous backlash, but I think there comes a particular power from being able to come from those times when you think that there's nothing you can do. I hope this is about the time where I stop wallowing in my weakness and to start picking things back up.


  1. It's okay to get knocked down as long as you get back up!

    The fact that you can talk about it is a sign of strength :-)

    Be strong and keep on bouncing back ^_^

  2. A little exercise before you start your day helps to provide positive energy and make you feel more productive. It also helps detox your mind of negative thoughts. Try going on a 1-2 mile run as soon as you wake up.

  3. Don't really know how to add to this, but glad to see you're picking yourself up again, it's a tough thing to do.

  4. I agree with Dimas, exercising before or when you start noticing yourself starting to get distracted/frustrasted with school really helps because you let out all the energy and letrs you refocus to what needs to be prioritized.

  5. That's just mid-semester blues where you are on top of things one second and then then next instead of doing homework you are talking to a friend and watching animal videos together over the phone.

  6. I can relate to that. I have had my fair share of those days as well. Sometime you just feel so demotivated. You tell yourself that you are going to get your task done, and the day comes and goes, and nothing achieved.

  7. My attention span today has been shot, which considering the workload I had today, was really bad timing.

    I feel like some of this may have something to do with the rather dark turn of events here recently. Even if something's not happening in your backyard, humans are still receptive to that kind of thing. We're affected subconsciously by our environment, and when negative events start encroaching, it can make basic functioning a challenge.

    I wish I had better advice here.

  8. I can really relate to this. I have been feeling myself slip this past week. I am doing everything I can to stay afloat while also trying to get ahead. Keep pushing through!

  9. I can definitely relate, mine is due to lack of sleep working the night shift, but I know exactly what you are talking about.

  10. I definitely know where you're coming from. Sometimes it's so hard to find self motivation even while things are piling in your "to do list." Try taking each assignment or task you've been falling behind on and tackle them one at a time.

  11. Yeah I often struggle with procrastination it can be a hard cycle to break yourself out of. Its important not to beat yourself up for your mistakes and start over if you have to.

  12. Absolutely can relate. It sucks even more when you were on the right track already, but your own mind got in the way. For me I just have to keep repeating to myself that this is just a way to learn self discipline. If you were still a kid and your mom came and told you to do something, there is an expectation for you to do it. What happens when we don't? We get yelled at. But, in this case we are our own parent. We have to learn how to get things done ourselves because at the end of the day there is no one else holding us accountable for the things that we do or do not do. You got this! We all fall but it is up to us if we want to get back up.
