Saturday, March 5, 2022


I self-analyze myself quite a bit to be frank. I'm constantly looking inward and trying to improve myself. I'm always looking for any cracks in the mold of who I am and trying to fix it.  Sometimes the cracks are big and those become regrets. Often they're small and I'm able to cover it and move on. Depending on how I fix those cracks, affects how I am. If I'm able to do something properly I become a stronger and better version of myself.

Lately I've been balancing myself decently. I'm trying to maintain a schedule of calisthenics 3-4 times a week, but I've also been having consecutive nightmares the past couple of nights. I've been upholding my fast regiment, but I'm falling behind on school assignments. I've enjoyed playing new games, but then I get less than 5 hours of sleep per night. A friend described the past 2 weeks for myself like fighting Ludwig, the Accursed from BloodBorne. A battle between overcoming the obstacle but in constantly danger.


  1. Glad to hear you are balancing yourself properly and fixing the cracks ^_^

    May you get more sleep and less nightmares :-)

  2. I try not to self analyze myself a lot because unfortuantely I am hard on myself and I start to compare myself to unrealistic standards.

  3. The capacity for self-analysis and introspection is really a mixed blessing.

    Having a deeper understanding of your motivations and why do you things can keep you from making a lot of..."questionable" choices, but it can also thwart any momentum you might build up, and rob a person of their volition, if taken to extremes.

  4. Place a glass of water under your bed when you sleep, in the morning check the glass to see if it has bubbles or if the water is clouded. If it is, negative energy has been absorbed by the water. Throw that water out immediately afterwards.

  5. Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles, I feel your pain.

  6. Who really sleeps 8 hours tho? I don't even think my body would let me sleep that long.

  7. I am sorry to hear about your nightmares once is too much, sounds like you get them a lot, maybe read your bible and pray before bed see if that helps.

  8. I like the way you describe your inner thoughts and the way you outline your feelings.

  9. I don't think I ever sleep more than 4 hours consecutively. I awaken many times a night, always makes me tired in the morning.

  10. It's always good to self-analyze yourself. Always figure out what you want and who you are as a person. It helps making things easier down the road.

  11. I can relate to how you self analyze, I do the same thing. I'm always striving to be a better version of myself and constantly working on the areas I need to change.

  12. Having a consistent schedule helps out a lot with balancing out everything you have to do
