Thursday, April 21, 2022


Lately my friends and I have been trying to lessen how much time we spend at our computers playing video games by dedicating 1 day/night a week to going out and playing board games. We like to visit Wii Play Games, and The Gaming Goat which are both super super cool shops. The Gaming Goat is more card games, board games, with a TTRPG section in the back. Its inside of the Town Square Plaza. And Wii Play Game is a bigger shop full of all kinds of stuff from CCGs, TTRPGs, board games, video games, consoles, handhelds, souvenirs, and other kinds of merch. Its found on Sahara and Rainbow behind Hash House a Go Go and McDonalds. Board games can be quite expensive but the good ones have incredible replay value so you can play again and again with different experiences even if its the same group of people!


  1. Board games instead of digital games? What a concept!

    I see why you chose Dungeons & Dragons as your topic for A5 Slideshow Presentation, looking forward to seeing your presentation in this Saturday's class :-)

    Your previous post was titled 'Skate' and this post is titled 'Board', how witty ^_^

  2. I guess it's old-fashioned, but board games can still be fun.

    I'm still a Chinese checkers fan, honestly.

  3. I love board games! I'll definitely have to check that place out.

  4. I will definitely mention this to my friends when we hang out!

  5. Board games are fun and I still play from time to time. If you haven't been you should try this spot out
    Meepleville Board Game Cafe

  6. Bruh, we gotta get a D&D campaign going sometime!

  7. Board game cafes are super fun! I've only been there twice but I would definitely love to go back soon. Especially when there are drinks!

  8. Board games are fun, never heard of board game cafes though. I looked saw some images on the internet. I see how it could be fun hanging out with friends there.

  9. I love board games! I'm going to force my boyfriend to go one day!

  10. Board games are fun, although I lose patience when playing long games.

  11. I still host game nights where we play board games or card games. I will always love to play board games.

  12. That is right up my ally: board games. My favorite is checker.
