Tuesday, April 26, 2022


TrancyAnn talked about Jamaican food in one of her blog posts and her A5 presentation and it inspired me to talk a little bit about my culture/cuisine! I'm Chinese-Filipino, but I'm not really intact with my Chinese side (or my Chamorro side). Having grown up heavily with Filipino influences, I didn't get to explore many other cuisines, but as I became more independent I got to try all kinds of things. I still want to try more and more of new and different flavors and cultures, but Filipino food will always have a special place in my heart. One of my favorite Filipino foods is a dessert and its called Buko Pandan. Buko is young coconut and Pandan is a grassy-vanilla tasting tropical plant with coconut milk and sago pearls. Its creamy and sweet and highly recommended!


  1. Expanding one's food horizon is a good thing :-)

    I'll have to try Buko Pandan to expand mine ^_^

  2. That dessert sounds delicious! I love anything with coconut in it.

  3. Pandan is glorious. It was fairly common in Hawai'i, so I got to enjoy quite a bit of it when I lived there.

  4. I'm going to have to try that. I love coconut.

  5. I love buko pandan I always eat it at Filipino parties.

  6. Pandan sounds delicious, do you know of any good restaurants in town?

  7. It sounds delish, I will have to try that.

  8. Now that I think about it I never had Filipino food.

  9. There is also a Filipino dessert made out of cassava (also known as yucca) that interest me. You might know the name of it, I don't,, but it looks delicious. I like coconut, so one day I'd like to try Pandan.

  10. Sounds delicious, I'll have to try it some day.

  11. Ohh that sounds good. I'm not a fan of coconut, but still sounds good.

  12. My friend from Guam family makes great chamorro food.
