Saturday, April 30, 2022


My favorite topic I've learnt from chapter 6 in Lab sim might be the use of  Slide zoom. I love this kind of presentation as I used to use Prezi a lot in high school, because I thought it had a fun flair that old PowerPoint did not (although I might've just not known about this function back then). I haven't used PowerPoint much this semester, but if I ever find myself needing to present anything I might just utilize this tool next time if its appropriate!

I attended the UNLV BFA Thesis Exhibit which is an event where the graduating students of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program show case their art that they've worked on all semester in a gallery on campus. It was really amazing to see the diverse and compelling displays of 2D and 3D art pieces of various mediums and styles from students soon to become professional artists. One of my close friends, Jana, was apart of this exhibit and the main reason why I attended and she had creates two pieces of carpentry titled "Mirror" another I can't quite remember the name of. They were both amazing and will be on display at the Donna Beam Gallery inside the Alta Ham Fine Arts Building until late June, Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm if you're curious to check it out!


  1. Slide Zoom in PowerPoint is definitely useful :-)

    Very cool that your friend has her artwork on display at Donna Beam Gallery inside UNLV's Performance Arts Center ^_^

  2. I was actually just made aware of Prezi the other day.

    I have not used it yet, but my program has begun pushing its usage, so I'm guessing I will be soon.

    I never realized that there were working alternatives to PowerPoint.

  3. Wow that must be really cool to have art on display for everyone to admire!

  4. That sounds amazing, I've always wanted to try my hand at being an artist, but I'm too shy to let people judge my work lol.

  5. I love the idea of displaying creative artwork. That must feel like a proud moment for the students.
    I had no idea there were so many alternatives to PowerPoint. The more you live the more you learn.

  6. That is just amazing, such a great accomplishment for your friend.

  7. Sounds like fun! I personally like going to the Arts District to look at their galleries!

  8. That's awesome, my wife and I like first Friday and seeing all the cool art they have. Plus the food trucks.

  9. Next time I'm on campus I'll have to stop by and see

  10. I haven't used Prezi in years. I think PowerPoint is a lot easier to use.

  11. Slide zoom is a very useful feature in PowerPoint, I enjoyed learning about slide zoom.

  12. Sounds cool. I always love cool art.
