Friday, April 15, 2022


I've been skating a ton lately! My friends and I love going out at night and bringing our roller skates, long boards, skateboards, penny boards and just go from park to park or even parking lots too. I'm still new, having only used my in-lines for a few months now, but my other friend has been roller skating for 14 years now and they've been helping me along. Its really hard, but I think its a ton of fun! Somehow I think its harder than ice skating and skateboarding, at least in my experience, but I'm hoping to keep practicing so I can feel comfortable to skate freely on the streets one day!


  1. Very glad to hear you are having fun ^_^

    Be safe skating :-)

  2. I could never do that. I am not really balanced and the last time I went ice skating, I fell really hard and had to ice my back.

  3. Skating is cool to watch, it's amazing to see the cool tricks the skaters performed. Figure skating is my favorite.

  4. I used to roller skate quite a bit when I was in middle skating too. It's kind of rough at first, but once you learn to balance, it's super fun.

  5. That sounds like fun, reminds me of the good 'ol days lol.

  6. Skateboarding is fun, I can't do tricks, but I can stay on it for a long time with falling off.

  7. I always wanted to learn how to skateboard. Maybe I'll try it in the near future, it's never too late to learn.

  8. Never learned how to skateboard but always sounded fun!

  9. My boyfriend is supposed to teach me how to stake and long board, we haven't done it yet, but I'm sure we will soon since it's getting warmer outside.

  10. More kids these days need to go outside and have fun.

  11. I am a very clumsy person. I have never done well when trying any type of skating.

  12. My son has picked up roller skating recently, and he has been showing me some of his skills that he has acquired since he got them. He has now upgraded from roller skates to roller blades.
