Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I learnt about VLOOKUP in 5.10.4! It's really unique and advanced for something I never knew existed. I've used it in my ECON 261 class during notes and homework aid. Otherwise I haven't really used it.

I turn 22 this week! Its kind of a weird time, because I haven't had a birthday party from my family since I was probably about 14 years old. And suddenly they want to celebrate out of nowhere. I don't really want to attend and just to sneak out and be with friends, but I'd probably get a solid scolding afterwards from my parents. It's actually stressing me out because I don't like big social gatherings with people I'm not too familiar with, such as my extended family. And also as an introvert, I feel uncomfortable having to idle while they sing happy birthday or whatever. Just gotta get through the week I guess!


  1. VLookup -- and HLookup -- are very useful functions! Glad to hear you used it before in your ECON 261 - Principles of Statistics class before :-)

    Happy birthday Vincent ^_^

    Maybe have a conversation with your parents about your preference in how to celebrate your birthday the way you prefer. It is possible that they are trying to better connect with you by celebrating your birthday with your extended family.

  2. Happy birthday, sir.

    I'd be caught off guard, too, if somebody hadn't celebrated my birthday in eight years, and then all of a sudden decided to throw a party.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Omg embrace your birthday that's the day you blessed the world with your presence

  4. I agree. My family threw me a debut for my 18th birthday, it consisted of really close family and friends, so it didn't make me as anxious. There was a program in my debut where 18 people gave me roses and did a speech basically about me and it did make me just a bit uncomfortable, but I am glad it wasn't infront of strangers/family I barely knew.

  5. Happy late birthday! I hope you have a good time in your celebration. I understand how you feel. The older I get, the more introverted I become. But try not to pressure the situation too much, at the end of the day its in celebration of you.

  6. I know exactly what you mean, I left the house at 14, didn't speak to my father till I was about 27 and didn't speak to my mother till I was about 25. My mother actually recently passed away, so if I got any advice to give, it's enjoy what time you have with them now. Let the petty shit slide, fake being extroverted for a few moments to save some good memories. It'll be worth it down the line, plus you can always sneak out later and still see your friends, you're 22.

  7. Happy belated birthday, I am agreeing with Professor Wu and Ivan they are alive now, have a conversation let it go and have a good time with your family. Also in the moment focus on the good, because usually if you focus on the negative then the negative is all you'll see. Obviously they are thinking of you to want to throw you a birthday party after not, for so many years.

  8. Happy late birthday! Yeah it feels awkward sometimes being with "family" you don't even know.

  9. I still do not fully grasp VLOOKUP.

  10. Happy Birthday! I'm not that much older than you, but still enjoy it while you can!

  11. I am still getting acquainted with VLOOKUP. It is super convenient to use when finding what you are looking for.
    I believe you should embrace family moments, and then after the celebration is over, you can always join friends for the real after party.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! I have a huge family and my least favorite part of celebrating my birthday is having them sing to me.
